Photos Of Bold Animals Who Act Exactly As They Please

Most of us have convinced ourselves that owning a pet gets easier over time — but this couldn’t be further from the truth! Just when we think we’ve trained our fur babies to be perfect angels, we turn around and find the couch overturned or a few “presents” on our pillow courtesy of the cat. So next time you’re certain that your pet has ditched their wild ways for good, think of these 40 bold animals and remember: they’re the ones who are really in charge…

Oh, were you using this?

Let’s set the scene. It’s the crack of dawn, and as you groggily roll out of bed and drag yourself to the bathroom you find yourself already reaching for your toothbrush before you’ve even flicked the light on. But instead of plastic, you grab something hairy. The light comes on, and you find yourself staring at this. Now we know cats are famously fastidiously clean animals, but is this really necessary? 

The Incredible Duck

Move over, Incredible Hulk: meet the Incredible Duck! With just a flick of his wings he was able to blow those gates wide open, rushing out into the streets with his supersonic speed. Now, one question remains: will he use his powers for good or evil?

Born rebel

No dogs? Ha! Rocky here’ll show you what he thinks of your stupid sign and silly rules. He took one look at that flimsy piece of metal and knew it was time to rage against “The Man.” Well, either that or he just wanted something to chew on…

Catching a ride

Ever wondered what birds do when their wings get tired? Take a look at this. Or maybe this is the avian equivalent of an aeronautics display team getting some practice in? Or maybe the seagull on top simply waited until his buddy was about to take off, then hopped aboard. “Don’t worry, you can ride on my back next time,” he probably said. Still, we strongly doubt that such a freeloader will return the favor.


Don’t look now, but a floofy piranha seems to have taken a bite out of your couch cushion. Normally, you’d probably be a little peeved over such a thing, but how can you be mad at that boop-worthy nose and those tiny teeth?


This might look like a random pigeon with a feather sticking out of its head strolling along the sidewalk, but don’t be fooled: you’re looking at Pigéon, world-famous bird model. Here, we see her strutting along the catwalk, ahem, birdwalk, at Paris Fashion Week, debuting the new Gucci Feather Headdress.

Lesson learned

“Moooooooom,” cried this terrified tabby. “Possum is scoffing all my food!” All she wanted was to enjoy a nice meal al fresco, but this munchy marsupial soon got a whiff and had to have some for himself. We wouldn’t be surprised if she was so traumatized by the experience she never left the house again!

Reverse Goldilocks

In a parallel universe, Beardilocks has just stumbled upon the empty home of three humans. After eating some porridge and breaking a chair or two, she curls up in one of the upstairs beds just as Papa, Mama, and Baby return. Finding Beardilocks, the family proceeds to chase her back into the woods. Seems less like a fairytale and more like a pretty common occurrence, don’t you think?


This is the reason you always check your surroundings before walking through a doorway. And in his defense, who doesn’t like a little contact when snoozing? With no best friend around, a pair of walls was the next best thing!

Is this seat taken?

“This nest ain’t big enough for the both of us,” this cozy cat probably told its plush poultry pal as he toppled her over. We’d like to think he was just relieving his mute colleague of her egg-sitting duties, though the way he’s eying up those eggs, no good can come of this.

Won’t be ignored

“Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Grumpy looking cat is not a fan of you ignoring him to read the newspaper!” That also explains why there’s a cat-sized hole in your TV and laptop as well. Better get this little guy a helmet.

No more nuts

You’ve heard of an aversion to nuts, but this is ridiculous! Does he have an allergy? Maybe he saw a Planters commercial and wasn’t a fan of Mr. Peanut. Either way, it’s probably best to get those things out of the house — by the look on his face, he’s dead serious.

Real-life Ratatouille

You didn’t think the iconic Disney film Ratatouille was just something a bunch of writers thought up, did you? Why, rats happen to be among the most skilled chefs out there: the next time you see one of these rodents scurrying through the streets, feel free to plop him on your kitchen counter and let him get to work! Actually, don’t follow this advice.

Master of disguise

“Has anyone seen Mittens? I could’ve sworn he was around here somewhere...” Maybe this pet owner should try asking the tiny cow in the computer room if knows where the family’s beloved kitty is hiding.

Don’t go

Greta Garbo this pooch ain’t. Rather, this poor pup has a case of separation anxiety: the moment he spots you, he’s clinging on for dear life. You could try to pull away, of course, but it’s probably best to just save yourself the trouble and never leave his side again.

Bon appétit

This cat is either convinced she’s a chicken, or she mistook this carton of eggs for some kind of orthopedic cushion. Either way, we hope you like your omelets smushed and with a side of cat hair!

Water dogs?

These corgis are suffering from a clear case of identity crisis: clearly they think they’re Portuguese water dogs. And how is it that when they show up in floats that look just like themselves they’re called “adorable,” but when we do it we’re labeled “egomaniacs?” How rude! Well, we’ve got to admit: those playful pups are pretty darn cute.

Give me attention

“Um, excuse me? Do you have a minute?” All this little guy would have to do is look at us and we’d drop everything for him. Treats? Have a dozen. Money? Take our wallets. Honestly, that list his owner is writing is probably just all the things he’s already charmed her into buying.

Cat on a mission

After Patches was told one too many times to stop sneaking snacks out of the fridge, he had to get creative. Now every time he goes to steal some tuna salad, he pretends he’s in Mission: Impossible. Unfortunately, by the looks of that sign, his owners have already caught on to his new scheme.

No bath for me

If you thought all dogs were fans of water, then think again. At the sight of the tub filling up, this pup quickly transformed into Spider-Dog and climbed those walls faster than Peter Parker’s alter ego. Next time you try bringing him to the vet, he might just claw himself all the way up to the roof!

I’ll show you!

What do you do when your inconsiderate owner won’t let you outside? Why, you bust down the door, of course! Thankfully, his owner managed to track him down, though judging by the look on this feline vandal’s face, you can color him unapologetic.

My chair, my space

Not all dogs are fans of lying on the floor — just look at this adorable floof. At the sight of this tiny chair, he wasn’t about to let anyone snatch a nice seat away from him. And with those paws out, he’s clearly defining his personal space!

Dogs’ night out

“Excuse me, bartender, another round for me and the missus.” This canine couple decided to go all-out for their big date night, showing off their fanciest outfits while drinking only the finest liquor. After this, they’re off to see a showing of the latest Broadway musical, Guys and Dogs, before taking a leisurely stroll home through the local park. Talk about a night out!


According to her owner, the table is an off-limits sitting spot for this pretty kitty. But, clever as she is, she actually found a pretty effective loophole to keep everyone happy. Let’s just hope she’s able to wriggle herself out of that bowl!


This looks like the setup for some kind of animal comedy about a pair of jealous pets trying oust the family’s newest addition. The cat and dog are clearly peeved about a new animal entering the fold, so they turned to their longtime rivals the rooster brothers to formulate some hairbrained scheme. We smell an Oscar!

No phones allowed

Instead of having students put all their cell phones in a bin before a big test, this teacher decided to have a guard cat on duty. Unfortunately, every time one of the phones buzzes, Ginger here mistakes it for a cat toy. Safe to say most of these students sprung for crack-proof cases after the first exam.


Friendship takes all forms, so who are we to question the love between a dog and a raccoon? After all, it makes sense: both are cute, cuddly, and love to eat garbage. What more in common do two pals need?

Bee-keeping… an eye on you

Who watches the watcher? Evidently, this bold bumble bee. You thought your Ring would keep you safe from intruders, but all you’ve done is tick this little guy off. If we were you, we’d give him all the nectar and pollen we could scrounge up — this bee is clearly not someone you want to cross.

Drink up

In her defense, what else in a cat’s world would you keep a jar of water around for other than drinking? Sure, all those leaves and stems should’ve been a dead giveaway that this water was off-limits, but when you’re thirsty are you really going to let a few fronds get in your way?

Ranger Rabbit

After hearing about rising crime rates, this bunny decided it was time to join the force. He may look cute, but Ranger Rabbit here is all business. Time to break up those illegal carrot-smuggling rings that have been ravaging small-town America.

Passive protest

Shadow here was sick and tired of all his owner’s attention going towards some silly puzzle, which is why he’s now refusing to move unless he gets at least ten straight minutes of continuous head scratches. We have a feeling the very last piece of the puzzle is also going to wind up somewhere only he can reach…

Don’t cross me

Let’s just say someone wasn’t too happy about his food bowl being filled five minutes later than usual. And if you were even considering not letting him sleep at the end of your bed, then, well, let’s just hope you took out a pretty hefty insurance policy on your automobile.


There aren’t too many benefits of being small, but when playing hide-and-seek, it’s a case of the tinier the better. After searching high and low for hours, this pet owner had no choice but to give up. And as soon as they did, these two tiny faces popped out of the foundation.


“That’s what you get for stealing my toy!” this shiba inu probably growled as she grabbed her brother in a headlock. She’d been training for months for this moment ever since she first spotted him rooting around in her toy bin. Next time, he’ll think twice about where he goes sticking his nose!

I see you

You can run, but you clearly can’t hide from this curious cow. Maybe she was just wondering where you lived? After all, you’re always popping into her home on a whim. Maybe she just wanted to return the favor?

Cuddle pot

You’ve heard of a cuddle puddle, but what about a cuddle pot? These kitten siblings knew they had to get creative if they were going to fit everyone into this cuddle-fest. Any room for the rest of us?

I have the power!

While her dog brothers were snoozing away, this cat managed to tap into some unseen universal energy. Now if she could only learn to control it, she could just zap those tasty-looking birds and squirrels right out of the trees!

Oh, hey there!

Move over, selfie queens of the world: this squishy face has you beat. This pup just wanted to show off how wonderfully his hike is going, and it’s safe to say we wish we were right there along with him. Take note, Instagrammers! This is what we want to see!

Just chilling

Is there a proper way to sit? If there is, this cat doesn’t want to hear about it. He could be trying to save seats for a few of his buddies, but we’re betting the little guy just plopped down and decided, “Yup, this’ll do just fine.”

Caught in the act

Clearly, this pet owner was puzzled when they came home to find their desk plant looking a little... squashed. Soon enough, though, the culprit revealed himself by being a little too eager to get back to his new favorite sitting spot. Hey, it’s probably more comfortable than a carton of eggs!