Could We Recreate The Technology Of Dune In Real Life?

Frank Herbert’s Dune books and the movie adaptations they inspired are filled with out-there technology and esoteric ideas about the potential of human consciousness. But how many of the author’s ideas bear any relation to reality? Is it possible that we could develop gizmos like stillsuits, ornithopters, and personal forcefield shields, and, if so, how far away are we from seeing them? We’ll look at these and more of Herbert’s ideas to see if our real-life technological progress is taking us any closer to the world of Dune.

The spice

First things first: let’s take a look at the spice melange. It is, after all, the main commodity of the Dune universe that drives the story forward. The spice is a drug, found only on the planet of Arrakis, which imbues its users with remarkably expanded mental capacities and increased lifespans.

Thanks to its remarkable properties, the spice is incredibly valuable and all the great powers within the Dune universe seek control of it. But could such a substance ever truly exist in the real world?

Spice and the coca leaf

Well, ignoring the superhuman qualities of the spice for a moment, we can say that there is a real-world historical comparison to be made here. In the Americas long ago, before the land was colonized by Europeans, the coca leaf was incredibly important to the Incas. And, as Dr. Carol Hart noted in her book The Science Of Dune, it gave rise to social relations not unlike those formed by the spice

“In pre-Columbian America,” Dr. Hart wrote, “the coca leaf was, somewhat like melange, largely reserved for the noble and priestly classes of the ancient Incas. In fact, the ruling classes retained their power in part by their monopoly on the coca leaf.”

Space travel

As for the physical effects induced by the coca leaf, the similarities with the spice aren’t exactly there. In Dune, melange helped to create a group of highly evolved humans known as the Guild Navigators, whose bodies and minds have been radically mutated by their prolonged exposure to the spice.

The Navigators perpetually breathe in a gas form of the spice, which alters their mental capacities to the extent that they are able to operate spacecraft across the universe. Without the enhancements induced by spice, such interstellar travel would be impossible.

Smart pills

The Bene Gesserit also ingest the spice, as it sharpens their minds to the extent that they can predict the future. Obviously we don’t have any substance on Earth with the power to see the future and undertake interstellar space travel, but, in a more moderate sense, could we, say, develop drugs capable of enhancing our minds?

Well, nootropic drugs — or “smart pills” — exist and are taken by people looking to improve cognition. Manufacturers of supplements like these assert that they can enhance people’s memory, their ability to concentrate, and their creativity. Certain types of nootropic drugs may be prescribed for conditions such as ADHD.

The risks

In reality, there are big concerns about the usage of nootropic drugs. One study from 2020 demonstrated that some nootropics contain chemicals that haven’t ever been green-lighted for pharmaceutical use. As Dr. Pieter Cohen, the author of that study, wrote, “Use of these supplements poses potentially serious health risks.”

It’s fair to say that there are some similarities between the spice and real-life mind-enhancing drugs, but the differences are far greater. It’s quite unlikely we’ll develop a pill or powder to allow us to see the future any time soon.

Breeding a superhuman

The spice is an essential part of Paul’s journey towards becoming the “chosen one,” but it isn’t the only factor in play. His very existence, after all, is a result of the multi-generational Bene Gesserit breeding program.

The Bene Gesserit meticulously and purposely bred different humans together, with the aim of genetically engineering a superhuman “chosen one.” Knowing what we know about genetics in real life, could anything like this be possible?

Search and replace

Well, gene-editing technology is developing fast. In 2018 a maverick scientist in China named He Jiankui facilitated the birth of the first ever gene-edited human infants. The babies were twin girls, both of whom were born with a resistance to HIV — a virus with which their father was afflicted. He managed to achieve this feat thanks to a technique known as CRISPR-Cas9.

Without getting into the nitty-gritty of it, we can think of the CRISPR-Cas9 technique as being similar to the find-and-change function in a word-processing program. In the case of CRISPR-Cas9, a genome is scanned for specific genetic code and is then replaced with a new, customized sequence.

Shady ethics

The ethics of genetic editing of this kind is murky at best, of course. As a matter of fact, He was thrown in jail for his role in editing the genes of those babies. He’d broken Chinese laws prohibiting such work from ever taking place on human embryos.

There are some countries on Earth that allow gene-editing work like this to take place, but they’re in the minority. In future, though, who’s to say it won’t be more common? There are certainly those who presume it will be.

Changing our genes in a targeted way

Professor Jennifer Doudna helped to develop the CRISPR technique, receiving the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for it in 2020. She’s very much in the know when it comes to gene-editing, and she believes we’ll see more and more of it quite soon.

As she told BBC Science Focus, “Within 30 years, it will probably be possible to make essentially any kind of change to any kind of genome. You could imagine that, in the future, we’re not subject to the DNA we inherit from our parents, but we can actually change our genes in a targeted way.”

Real possibilities

We obviously can’t say gene-editing of this kind will produce a superhuman at the level of Paul Atreides, but Dune is fiction. We have to take it with a pinch of salt, but, on the other hand, certain enhancements can reasonably be expected should gene-editing techniques develop along expected lines.

Making people resistant to certain diseases, making them stronger, or expanding their intelligence: these things are actually conceivable. Whether or not this is something we should be pursuing is another question altogether. 

An ideal world of diversity 

Angela Saini has written a book called Superior: The Return Of Race Science, in which she expresses her great doubts about whether or not we should be pursuing these ends. She explained to Science Focus, “The problem with gene-editing is that genes don’t work in a simplistic one-to-one way.”

She explained she was talking about “most of the complex traits people might want to breed selectively for, like strength, beauty, and intelligence.” Andshe added, “Genes also interact with the environment around them. More fundamentally, why would we want to do it at all? My ideal world is one in which we accept all people in their glorious, messy diversity as they are.”

Colonizing Mars like Arrakis

The desert planet of Arrakis is an incredibly harsh environment for humans to inhabit, yet they manage it anyway. The planet’s indigenous people, the Fremen, use tools and tech that make living there possible, but could similar innovations help us to make our planetary neighbor Mars survivable?

First things firs: the reason Arrakis is inhabitable for humans in the first place is because of its other major residents. Shai-Hulud, the sandworms, are giant creatures that live for millennia and reside within the sands of Dune. Without them, life would be impossible there.

The sandworms

According to Dune lore, the sandworms sustain themselves on a diet of sand and little organisms called sand plankton. It doesn’t sound like much, but it works for them, and, as they digest their grub, they release oxygen. It’s this oxygen produced by the worms that imbues Arrakis with its human-sustaining atmosphere.

Incidentally, there’s a hint of reality within this fantastical process. Much of the sand on Earth counts silica as a fundamental component, and silica — otherwise known as silicon dioxide — is one silicon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms.

The Great Oxygenation Event 

On our planet, of course, we have an atmosphere we can survive in because of the process of photosynthesis present in plants and certain bacteria. Oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis: without it, Earth wouldn’t have the oxygen necessary to sustain animal life.

More broadly experts credit the Great Oxygenation Event (GOE) with allowing animal life to develop on Earth. This happened roughly 2 billion years ago, when cyanobacteria residing in the oceans of the planet began releasing oxygen into the planet’s atmosphere through photosynthesis.

The role of bacteria

Speaking of the GOE to Science Focus, Professor Gary King said, “This culminated in an atmosphere that could support metazoans [multicellular organisms] around 540 million years ago, and then us somewhat later.” Now, this is obviously very interesting in its own terms, but you might be wondering what it has to do with Dune?

Dr. King, who works at Louisiana State University, is presently investigating the notion that photosynthesising bacteria might be used to add oxygen into the atmosphere of Mars. In other words, he’s assessing whether or not these bacteria could make Mars inhabitable for humans in the same way that the sandworms made Arrakis inhabitable to humans. 

Melting the ice

An essential part of photosynthesis is water, without which it wouldn’t be possible. But on Mars, evidence of water was discovered by the Curiosity rover in 2012 — so Dr. King’s plan remains possible. The issue, though, is that much of that water is said to be frozen. To combat that, factories capable of producing gasses to warm Mars and melt the ice would need to be established.

It’s an elaborate idea, but one which Professor King seems to be taking quite seriously. “Conceivably, Mars’ temperature could be raised enough to support phototrophs,” he said. “But that still leaves challenges.”

The atmosphere is stripped apart

Among those challenges is the fact that the Sun emits high-energy radiation, which is believed to be the reason why the atmosphere that once existed on Mars was obliterated. Earth has a magnetic field that’s capable of repelling the Sun’s radiation, but that’s not the case on Mars.

It’s theorized that Mars’ atmosphere was stripped away — which is a phenomenon we called “spallation” — about 3.5 billion years ago. If we really wanted to make Mars sustainably inhabitable, we’d have to somehow prevent that from happening again.

A balancing act

Dr. King has given that a lot of thought, as you might have guessed, and he thinks it’s not an insurmountable problem. He believes that, if the photosynthesizing bacteria are able to set up a sufficient biosphere on the red planet, it could work.

In that scenario the rate of oxygen generation would match the rate of atmospheric loss caused by spallation. A similar process is at work on Earth, in that plants manage to produce enough oxygen to sustain its usage by animals. It’s a balancing act that’s sustained.

The stillsuit

So, the worms make the air on Arrakis breathable for the Fremen, but they also rely on their own tech to survive. Their stillsuits, for one thing, mean they can roam the dry, sandy lands of their planet. This outfit basically captures all the water the wearer excretes and recycles it.

A person’s sweat passes through the suit, before being captured and filtered. It can then be consumed through a tube placed into the mouth. Incidentally, the stillsuit also collects pee and feces. They didn’t go into that part of it in the movies, for understandable reasons!

Making every drop count

The character Liet Kynes explains the value of a stillsuit to the person wearing it, noting, “With a Fremen suit in good working order, you won’t lose more than a thimbleful of moisture a day.”

On a place like Arrakis, making the most out of every drop of water is essential. On Earth we don’t use stillsuits or anything like them, given that there isn’t a huge need for them. But in space, such apparel could be quite useful indeed. 

Water on the International Space Station 

Obviously on the International Space Station (ISS) there isn’t a natural water source into which its inhabitants can dip. The water on board was launched there from Earth, which isn’t what you might call a cheap process. That means every drop of water is precious, just as it is on Arrakis.

The ISS consequently makes use of a “a closed-loop water purification system,” which functions in much the same way as Dune’s stillsuits. Except it’s not quite as invasive, of course.

Water recycling 

The system used on the ISS is reportedly capable of recycling as much as 93 percent of the water its astronauts use. That means water that’s in the air, not to mention the water they excrete through sweating and breathing, and their waste water from washing.

And, yes, the water from their urine is reused too. All this liquid is then treated and filtered to eliminate all the bad stuff. It’s then tested and, if it isn’t pure enough, it goes through the treatment process again. 

Something to teach us

The thought of drinking water you know came from your own waste is obviously pretty horrible. But in reality, the treatment process is such that the water is actually more pure than anything we might expect to come from our kitchen taps. That might say a lot about our tap water, but it also shows the effectiveness of the ISS system.

Preserving water in a similar fashion would almost certainly be necessary on Mars. Drinking water is obviously so scarce there, so making the most of what’s up there will be pivotal. And that could also entail harvesting water from the atmosphere. 

A gel to absorb water

In 2018 a study was published laying out the results of an experiment in this very vein. It took place in Saudi Arabia, where a sort of gel was used to absorb moisture from the atmosphere. This collected water could potentially then be used for drinking.

As the study authors noted, “This technology provides a promising solution for clean water production in arid and land-locked remote regions.” In other words, this could be useful on Earth, not just on Mars.

The ornithopters

One of the more striking technologies from the latest Dune movies is the ornithopter. A flying machine with wings, it’s a striking sight in Villeneuve’s two films. The ornithopters look akin to dragonflies when they’re up in the air, but is that a viable way of achieving flight in reality?

It works for dragonflies themselves, but a mechanized flying machine carrying humans is surely a different story, right? Well, there are experts out there who have actually taken this question quite seriously.

Fixed wings vs. flapping wings

The experts in question here came from the Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, and they posted their thoughts on the subject on the institution’s website. “Aeronautical engineers have nearly perfected the design of fixed-wings structure,” their post reads, “but with a flapping wing, the wing is no longer fixed and is in a constant state of stress.”

The differences between these two wing structures are stark. As the post puts it, “This state of constant, high-magnitude stress leads to a very short fatigue life for the structure.” 

The RoboBee

You might presume that the limits of a flapping wing structure would mean that no flying machine that utilizes such a design has ever been created. In actual fact, there are flapping wing flying machines out there. For one thing, experts at Harvard University have produced something called the RoboBee.

The RoboBee flies in much the same way as the ornithopter is shown to in the film, but there’s a difference. Unlike the ornithopter, the RoboBee is tiny: it has a wingspan of 1.2 inches.

Significant limitations

Beyond the RoboBee, there are other projects that have managed to create flying machines a little like the ornithopter. As well as secretive schemes by governments and militaries, the University of Toronto’s Aerospace Project also tried to develop one. Unfortunately, in acknowledgement of the limitations of the machine, the effort was abandoned. 

In general, it seems that ornithopters as they appear in Dune aren’t impossible, but they do have huge limitations. As a consequence, not much research into developing them appears to be taking place at present.

The Holtzman shield

Another nifty bit of tech in Dune is the Holtzman shield, a sort of protective forcefield that fighters can deploy to protect themselves. If a fast-moving projectile is fired in the direction of the wearer, it is deflected. A weakness is when the shield encounters something slow-moving, like someone wielding a knife.

Such weapons can pass through this protection. In any case, a forcefield would obviously be pretty great for real-life soldiers. But could such a thing ever really be developed? Well, there are people looking into it.

The four fundamental forces of nature

The development of a real-life forcefield is limited by some basic scientific facts. Four fundamental forces of nature are known to exist: gravity, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force. The weak and strong forces exist — as the names suggest — within the nuclei of atoms.

Some experts believe in the existence of a fifth force, but as yet that’s unproven. Of the four we know of, we can say that gravity is extremely weak. Think about it: all the gravity of Earth is necessary to keep our small bodies stuck to the planet. And, as we’ve seen, the weak and strong forces take place at the subatomic scale.

The potential for an electromagnetic forcefield

That leaves us with electromagnetism for the development of a forcefield, but here we may have some potential. At least, that’s what a physicist from the University of Surrey thinks. Professor Jim Al-Khalili thinks electromagnetism, given that it’s unquestionably stronger than gravity and has a longer range than the weak and strong forces, could be the answer.

But there are issues here, too. For one thing, electromagnetism only affects objects with an electrical charge. In other words, if a projectile was to be deflected by an electromagnetic force field, it would need to be charged first.

Positrons and electrons

According to Dr. Al-Khalili, a projectile could be charged by blasting it with particles of antimatter known as positrons. These have the same mass as the electrons that orbit atoms, but they have a different electrical charge. When positrons and electrons collide, they annihilate one another. It’s all very technical, but the boffin tried to break it down for Science Focus.

“You can use positrons to destroy electrons in the target,” Dr. Al-Khalili explained. “And if you destroy enough of them, then the target becomes positively charged. Then you can whack on an electric or magnetic field to deflect it.”

Tank forcefields

Even though this does seem like a conceivable technological development, it’s probably fair to suggest that we won’t be seeing it for quite some time. In other words, don’t expect soldiers to be wearing their very own personal forcefields in battle any time soon. Having said that, electric armor intended to protect battle tanks is very much on the cards.

A normal tank is protected by thick steel plates that deflect projectiles. But these new ones would be equipped with a pair of thin metal plates, which are kept separate by a layer of insulation. The two plates are electrified, which, thanks to the insulating layer separating them, means they can store a significant charge.

Lighter, faster tanks

Military analyst James Bingham explained how it would work to Science Focus. “When a metal projectile penetrates the outer layer and impacts on the second,” he said, “it closes the circuit and allows a massive amount of power and energy to be dumped into the projectile. This destroys the projectile or offsets its kinetic energy and penetrative effects sufficiently to mitigate its destructive impact.”

The end result is that tanks would be equipped with effective protection, but they wouldn’t be weighed down to the same degree as traditional steel armor. That would be good for its speed and agility.  

The fabric of space

In terms of the more lofty technological achievements in Dune, interstellar space travel is among the most impressive. That’s achieved by the guild navigators, with help from the spice “folding space,” which is achieved through a combination of technology and expanded consciousness. But is that doable for real? According to former NASA scientist Dr. Kevin Grazier, it’s possible.

“We know… [according to] Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity that there is a ‘fabric’ to the space-time continuum: one that is non-uniform and will bend or stretch in the presence of a gravitational field,” Dr.Grazier told The Debrief. “I just view the folding of space [in Dune] to achieve [faster-than-light] travel as a practical application of general relativity.”

Laser weapons

Dune is far from the only sci-fi epic to depict laser weaponry; it’s a staple of the genre. If anything, lasers aren’t seen as much in Dune as they are in other sci-fi worlds. That’s because, in the reality Herbert created, the laser beams from such weapons can cause terrible explosions when they hit forcefield shields.

So, that’s the narrative reason for the relative rarity of laser-weaponry usage in the Dune stories. But the real reason, maybe, is simply that sword fighting in space is cooler. Perhaps Herbert just really liked detailing hand-to-hand combat?

The lasgun

In Dune we have lasguns, which are directed-energy firearms in the same vein as other laser guns from other sci-fi worlds. For whatever reason, these weapons appear in stories time after time, but what about in reality? Could we ever see the development of anything like them?

Well, lasers really are being developed for actual militaries. In fact, there are some analysts who believe they could very well change the nature of war in the future. The costs involved could be but a fraction of traditional armaments.


In the middle of March 2024 the United Kingdom unveiled a new actual laser weapon, which it claimed could fire off a projectile for just $13. If true, that would lead to savings of tens of millions of dollars. The weapon system is called DragonFire, and it’s already been demonstrated in action.

According to the U.K. Defense Ministry, the laser beam that DragonFire produces can slice through metal. In doing so, it leads to “structural failure, or more impactful results if the warhead is targeted.”

A conceivable world

All in all, it seems the world envisioned by Frank Herbert isn’t totally beyond the realms of possibility. Of course, a lot of the technology and the exotic abilities of certain humans within the story are pretty wild, but, at the same time, a lot of it is conceivable.

Certain developments in the real world really do reflect Herbert’s sci-fi ideas. Whether or not that’s a good thing is up for debate. Is the world a better place with lasguns? Well, maybe not. But they might be happening all the same!