People Have Shared The Pettiest Reasons Their Friendships Ended

Any time you ask the internet a question, you have to know you're going to get all kinds of crazy answers. But when a Redditor called "MugglesPuggles" asked the community, "What's the pettiest reason a friendship ended for you?" she couldn't have expected the answers to be this wild. So if you've ever wondered whether you're blowing things out of proportion, just know that someone out there has definitely blown them up more than you can ever imagine.

Note: some of these entries have been lightly edited for clarity, grammar, and length. Enjoy!

The silent treatment

"My friend would never say hello first. She’d always wait for me to greet her and initiate conversation, so one time I decided to leave it up to her and see what happened.

She assumed I wasn’t speaking to her, started giving me the silent treatment, and we never spoke to each other again.

To be fair, we were fifteen at the time." — Ellebee458

Game, set, and match

"I taught my friend how to play tennis. He was full of admiration and thankful for me. Tennis players have the knack of returning the ball in such a way that it lands on your racket comfortably and makes you feel better than you are. Over the months, he got cocky when he thought he improved and began acting disrespectfully toward me. I whooped his [butt] in a game, and he had a tantrum. I told him that it was just a game and told him to grow up." — marukoshinchan

Sweet dreams

"Apparently, they had a dream that I tried to drown them and it 'changed their view of me'" 🤷 — Banana_boof

"Lmao. I've had a lot of weird dreams with my husband. I once dreamed of him running around naked with nothing but a pink tiara on. But changing how you treat someone or feel about them based on a dream is silly." — BooksAndStarsLover

Boy trouble

"I had been single for two years while she used me as an emotional therapist for her boyfriends.

Then I started dating my husband, and she decided she didn’t like him from the get-go. She basically dropped me. We hadn’t seen each other in two months when I finally gave up.

A year later, we got back in touch and she reamed me for “choosing some boy over her,” even though she’s the one who removed herself." — anonymous

Trivia too good to miss

"I double-booked myself with a trivia night and cooking for someone I've been seeing recently. By the time I was reminded about trivia, I already had dinner cooking and company over. I didn't think I could cancel the dinner plans when they were already happening and when I had spoken to my friend on the Sunday before trivia, she said we wouldn't be able to see each other for two weeks. I guess I could have clarified if that included the trivia night I missed?

I texted her the next day to see if she liked a certain flavor so I could bring her some cookies as an apology for missing it, and she texted back that she was ending the friendship since she felt abandoned. I expected her to be a bit upset but not friendship-ending upset 🙁" — MugglesPuggles


"I decided not to be forced, manipulated, or gaslighted into agreeing with them anymore and after our 7-year friendship (the last 12 months of me realizing how toxic they were) I finally stood up for myself and my own beliefs and they didn’t speak to me for months. I ignorantly reached out in vain hoping they’d changed and we could be friends, but they started making horrible assumptions about my character and family even though they’ve been around us for years??? It was insulting. The final straw where I just had to let go and stop was when she refused to be my bridesmaid and then ghosted me at the wedding after she confirmed multiple times she was coming. I was honestly heartbroken and realized that because I didn’t think exactly like her, I meant nothing to her anymore. It was honestly so petty because as many times as I’ve stood up for her whether I agreed or not and she quickly ghosted was eye-opening. I’ll never go through anything like that again." — ResearchUnfair1246

Never live with friends

"We were in our early twenties and I was subletting her apartment. We had an agreement that she would be the one to paint it when the lease was up since she was the one who originally painted it. Late on a Sunday night, she texted that she would be there tomorrow morning and I needed to move/cover my furniture if I didn't want to get paint on it. I told her it was 10:00 p.m., I had to work the next morning, and I'd need more notice than 12 hours. We agreed that I would paint as much as I could but she would need to come another day and finish what I couldn't.

She came about a week later, after I had moved out, on the LAST day before we had to be out of the apartment for the new tenants — and asked me to come over and help her paint. I told her I couldn't on such short notice — I had plans. I painted about 90 percent of that apartment — all she needed was to paint the trim. She never spoke to me after that despite my attempts to contact her.

We were close friends for six years before that." — SucculentOwl

Kiss and tell

"High school, and we were 16. She was mad I got a boyfriend and a first kiss before her. She started rumors about me. She recently reached out, but to be honest I’m glad we’re no longer friends. I stay away from jealous people." — SnooDoughnuts231

The house always wins

"Looks like my 14-year friendship is ending because I couldn’t house sit for her eight animals (three of which she added after I’d already agreed to do it) because my pet got really sick and it would’ve put her at extreme risk (also gave my friend a month’s notice…) Seems petty as hell to me, but what do I know." — overthinking_captain

Jealous guy

"In high school, my friend Agnes had a huge crush on my ex from 8th grade. My ex and I were still friends because our 8th-grade romance was never serious to begin with. At the tail end of my friendship with Agnes, my ex turned her down again. She said to me she couldn't deal with being my friend anymore because it was just a constant reminder of how unfair it was that my ex would date me, who was not as pretty as her and she just couldn't deal." — dindia91

Cold shoulder

"My mom and I had let my best friend at the time of like 10 years and her newborn baby stay with us until she got on her feet. She had been staying with me a couple of days, and on one day my cousin came over to watch a show with me at like 7:00 p.m. on a Thursday. My friend and I were sharing my room, but I offered to watch the baby while my cousin and I watched the show so she could continue her usual routine of showering and eating dinner after work. She declined with an attitude, but I shrugged it off. I later found out she was mad because she felt "left out." She stopped talking to me, but I knew she tended to be really moody so I just left her alone to let it blow over. But two days later, she left to "run errands" and sent her mom to pick up her stuff and blocked me from all social media and my phone number because she was so upset I left her out." — lazyandfree

Crossed a line

"I had a [friends-with-benefits] thing, and he was also talking to my friend. I didn’t care; we weren’t exclusive or anything.

Anyways, she catches feelings for him and asks me to stop seeing him. A bit rude, but fine, I do. I break things off with him to keep the friendship.

That weekend, they are hanging out. He mentions that he has plans with me the next week (we didn’t have plans, idk why he said that), and she starts yelling at me in the middle of the hallway during class change. Essentially, calling me a liar and an attention hog.

That friendship was over, not necessarily because she confronted me about it, I would have gladly explained that I wasn’t still seeing him. But her yelling at me crossed a red line." — anonymous

Crafty business

"They joined a religion and never spoke to me again. Probably because the year prior The Craft [the 1996 movie directed by Andrew Fleming and starring Fairuza Balk] came out, and we’d totally done a few silly witchy things, as many girls did around that time." — CatrionaShadowleaf

Wake-up call

"We were going to go on a trip with another friend of hers and my sister who was also her friend... The next night we were discussing things in our group chat when she says she wanted to leave at like 5:00 a.m... It just didn’t make sense to me. I try to ask to maybe leave by 7 so I’d get some more rest but no, she wouldn’t budge. So I just backed out. I was tired of arguing and didn’t want to deal with all this drama the entire trip. And that was the last time I spoke to her. My sister didn’t want to go without me even though I told her she could. And so our friend said she knew sis would back out cos I did.

This was like the umpteenth blow-up in our friendship, and I was just tired of it. Stupid small [stuff] that didn’t mean anything. But this was almost three years ago and mannnn, my life is so much more drama free. Hallelujah." — passionkiller711

Hurt feelings

"He would not put any effort into the friendship. 90 percent of the time, my messages were left unread for days. It got to the point I assumed he didn't want to be friends so I quit reaching out. TWO MONTHS later, suddenly he starts messaging me, "You [annoyed] or something?" and it made me mad. So I told him not to talk to me ever again. He demanded an explanation, to which I rudely explained everything. He didn't understand my point at all, so I knew I made the right choice to drop him and I did. Blocked him on every social media platform and told my other friends not to bring up his name in my presence.

Looking back, I could have reacted better, but I was honestly hurt." — MegalomaniacalCyborg

Botched beach

"Refusing to meet them at the beach at 11:00 p.m. I was at a hockey game with another friend that night, we were on our way home, friend drove and I was inebriated with a dying phone. Managed to shoot off a text before it died, and woke up to a FB post about how horrible I am." — fooliescraper

Wait, what?

"She told me I was manipulative. I can completely understand dropping someone for this reason, but when I asked her what I had done she could not name an instance. Five months later, she approved me to apologize and said she ended our friendship because she didn't feel like she could have two friends at once. I still do not understand it." nerdiswhy


"She told me I looked ugly. (I had my hair in a messy bun and no make-up on.) She decided to kick me when I was down after years of friendship. I held her while she cried because she was super insecure and depressed and she had the nerve… to insult MY appearance. That was it for me." — icewater101_

Bad vibes

"One of my best friends of a decade ended our friendship because I didn’t reply to her message quickly enough. Granted, it took me a while (months — we live in different countries now so I couldn’t see her in person). But at that time, my mother was on death's door in another country that I couldn’t get to because of COVID, and I fell into a deep depression, deleted everyone off my phone, and tried to disappear. When I reached out again and explained what had happened, she just said for ‘self-preservation’ she needed to end the friendship immediately because I was toxic. Was so wild to me, but I’m not the first person she’s cut off and won’t be the last. I don’t think she could have been that good a friend in the first place to have that reaction." — jiggjuggj0gg

First to know

"I always had to text first and plan our outings, because we wouldn't see each other for a long time. After a while of this, I decided to stop and wait until they contacted me first. It has been 2.5 years now and even if they contact me, I ain't going anywhere with them." — mentaldonmey

Stream lover

"A friend was used to using all of my streaming and music accounts to watch and listen to stuff for free. At some point, I completely forgot about that and gave my account access to my in-laws since I had family plans and they didn't. He was shocked, how could I betray him and give access to my in-laws instead of him?" — 1MoreTiredTeacher

You're toxic, I'm slippin' under

"A friend kept encouraging me to stay in an abusive relationship, but when I broke up and started dating a guy who was amazing she talked to all my friends about how she was 'worried about me' to try to get help to convince me to break up." — 1MoreTiredTeacher

Second-tier friends

"She chose her relationship as her main priority and ACTUALLY deleted her friends from her life as if we were scum on her shoe. No word or warning, she stopped talking to us. We found out a month later she was seriously dating a guy we met together a month prior. She was also in a relationship with someone at the time when she met the guy she is dating now and ditched us for." — adangerousnightmare

Almost over now

"I was the only one calling, caring, worried, but even then I thought it was fine. She looked fine. She used to talk a lot when I called her or when I met her at school. But then she had her first boyfriend and that was it. Suddenly, I became nothing. She didn't realize, though. She still does not realize it. And I'm not gonna try anymore. I deserve to be called too, at least without asking for it.

I cared about her (even nowadays I still do), but I'll respect her space and time now. For me, it's done." — -lennonsays

No other friends allowed

"She was jealous that I made another friend and split my time between the two of them. When I asked if anything was wrong (because she started giving me the cold shoulder), I was told no. She tried to get our whole friend group to drop me because she told them I was “abandoning” them and then got [annoyed] because I was too uncomfortable to go to her birthday party when she literally wouldn’t even talk to me. Interestingly enough, she's no longer friends with our old friend group because of her toxicity, but I still hangout with them." — AffectionateRate9987

The blame game

"She got caught cheating and her husband blamed me. She told him she was with me when she wasn't. Her husband told her she had to choose between him and me, and she picked him." — Surlyllama23

"So her husband is stupid." — Lonely_Quantity174

The rear end

"Me and my ex-bff. She told me to drive her car. I stopped a little hard, and then minutes later we got rear-ended and they drove off. As soon as it happened, she told me it wasn't my fault, and then later on she said it was kind of my fault and then ghosted me." — Formal_Awareness8915

Bust up

"My other ex-bff and I got into an argument and I didn't talk to him for a day because I wanted to cool off and then he sent me this long message and said he's done with me since I wouldn't respond and he's going to block me on everything. (A month later he apologized; we still aren't friends)." — Formal_Awareness8915

Girl in the photograph

"This girl invited me to hang out with her family and friends, but I said I couldn't go because I had to get ready for a uniform inspection and I had to go to the NEX [Uniform Shop]. She said that was fine and if I could get her a new cover. I said sure, and then my ex-bff wanted to come along, so I said sure. And all we did was take a picture, either at the NEX or my house, and the girl freaked out and refused to talk to me, wouldn't text me or anything. Then months later, she tried to reconnect and I was like, nah." — Formal_Awareness8915

Stopped reaching out

"I don’t know if this is petty, but, once I notice a consistent pattern of me [being the person to] reach out first, then I simply stop replying or putting in the effort [to reach the other person]. The friendships never formally end, but they fizzle into nothingness. It never hurt as I mourned during the fizzle process, but, I soon learned, if one wants they will do 👍🏾" — adelaIsInACave